Photos, Pictures of Israel Archaeology Sites and Ancient Biblical Cities
Generation Word Bible Teaching Home Page Galyn's Israel Photos Map of Israel with links to biblical sites and archaeological locations in the Holy Land

The Western Wall

The Western Wall


Taking a call on a cell phone during prayer at the Western Wall.
Galyn stands by the Western Wall
Galyn stands infront of the blocks that were cut with great detail 3,000 years ago by Solomon's stone cutters.
Close up of the ancient blocks dating back to the days of Solomon (970 BC).
Prayers written on paper have been placed in this wall for years.
Looking up the Western Wall. The temple mount is at the top. The temple used to stand above this wall on the temple mount.
Going under Wilson's arch to the left side of the Western Wall

In the tunnel under Wilson's arch.

The large cabinet is one of several Torah cabinets.

On another visit to this tunnel a Jewish man gave me a tour and a first had look at several of the books, study areas and cabinets for the torahs.

Watch the first video above to give yourself a tour of the area under Wilson's arch.

Go to Carl Rasmussen's site to see photos of secret rabbi tunnels:,2,6,19,48
Study under Wilson's arch.
Under Wilson's Arch.
Books in the library under Wilson's arch.
Prayer and study under Wilson's arch.

Robinson's arch is on the right side of the Western Wall.

It can be seen from here.

Here is Robinson's Arch.
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