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Church History (part three):

311-314         Melchiades, Bishop of Rome (Miltiades)

313     Donatists

“I am going to make plain to them what kind of worship is to be offered to God. . .What higher duty have I as emperor than to destroy error and repress rash indiscretions, and so cause all to offer to Almighty God true religion, honest concord and due worship?”


312     Arius

325     Council of Nicea

The Nicean Creed from 325

We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of all things visible and invisible; and in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only-begotten of his Father, of the substance of the Father, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten not made, being of one substance (homoousios) with the Father. By whom all things were made, both which is in heaven and in earth. Who for us men and for our salvation came down [from heaven] and was incarnate and was made man. He suffered and the third day he rose again, ascended into heaven. And he shall come again to judge both the living and the dead. And [we believe] in the Holy Ghost. And whosoever shall say that there was a time when the Son of God was not, or that before he was begotten he was not, or that he was made of things that were not, or that he is of a different substance or essence [from the Father] or that he is a creature, or subject to change or conversion--all that so say, the Catholic and Apostolic Church anathematizes them.



The Church Councils






Council of Jerusalem


Circumcision, Jewish Law, Gentiles


Council of Nicea


Condemn Arianism


Council of Constantinople


Settle Apollinarianism


Council of Ephesus


Nestorian Controversy; Nestorius deposed


Council of Chalcedon


Eutychian Controversy


Council of Constantinople II


Monophysites Controversy


Council of Constantinople III


Doctrine of the two wills of Christ


Council of Nicea II


Sanctioned Image Worship


Council of Constantinople IV


Final Schism between East and West


Council of Rome I (Lateran I)


Decide Bishops are appointed by Popes


Council of Rome II (Lateran II)


Effort to heal the East and West Schism


Council of Rome III (Lateran III)


To Enforce Ecclesiastical Discipline


Council of Rome IV (Lateran IV)


Bidding of Innocent III


Council of Lyons I


Settle Quarrel with Pope and Emperor


Council of Lyons II


Attempt to Unite East and West


Council of Vienne


Suppress Templars


Council of Constance


Heal Papal Schism; Burn Jon Huss


Council of Basal


Reform Church


Council of Rome V


Another Reform Effort


Council of Trent


Counter Reformation; Latin Vulgate Sole Translation; Apocrypha Canonized; Reaffirm purgatory, relics, & more


Council of Vatican I


Declare Pope Infallible


Council of Vatican II


Effort to bring Christendom into one Church



Early Church Fathers (300-500)




Life and Works




Church historian
Taught in theological school in Caesarea
Friend of Constantine and recorded Constantine’s Life




Defended Trinitarian Doctrine
Championed the cause against Arius
Important speaker at Council of Nicea
Exiled five times



(Asia Minor)

Raised as a Christian; studied philosophy in Athens; lived as an ascetic; 358 he established a monastic community to replace individual monks; Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia; opposed Arius; established a hospital for lepers along with a school, a hospice, and social programs.

Gregory of


(Asia Minor)

Great theologian. Instrumental in doctrine of the Trinity
Bishop of Nyssa in 372
Leader at the Council of Constantinople (381)

Gregory of



Born in a Christian family. His father was a bishop
Friends with Basil and Gregory of Nyssa
Preached 5 Theological Orations in Constantinople
A theologian. Presided over Council of Constantinople




Father was a Praetorian Prefect of Gaul
Studied in Rome and became consul in Milan
Elected Bishop of Milan in 373 by the people before he had been baptized
Powerful preacher who influenced the Roman emperors

John Chrysostom



Born in Antioch
A priest in Antioch and bishop at Constantinople
Called “chrysostomos”, or “golden mouthed”, because of his eloquent preaching ability
Followed the natural meaning of scripture not allegorical
Preached right through the books of the Bible
Exiled for criticizing the church and calling for reform 




Studied in Rome; lived as a hermit for 3 years; was at the Council of Constantinople in 381; served as secretary to Roman Bishop Damascus; moved to Bethlehem and establishes a monastery; conflict with Origen’s teaching;

Theodore of



Born in Antioch
Influential representative of the thinking and interpretation of scripture practiced in Antioch
He was the leader of exegetical biblical learning
He was ascetic
His doctrine of Incarnation was condemned at Council of Ephesus in 431.  Judged a heretic in 553 at Council of Constantinople. (Too close to Nestorius)
Contributed to Christology the human soul of Christ and Christ’s free moral activity in the work of redemption



North Africa

Next to Paul, the most influential man in church history
His view of the church and the sacraments developed into the Roman Catholic doctrine.
His ideas are still studied: faith and reason, predestination, trinity, the problem of evil.




Patriarch of Alexandria in 412
Vigorously opposed pagans, Novatianist, Judaizers
Involved Hypatia’s murder, a famous Pagan Philosopher
His emphasis on Christ’s divine nature evolved into the monophysite view that Christ only had one nature




Born in Britain after Rome had abandoned it
Taken captive by pirates as a boy and sold into Ireland
Escaped back to Britain and entered ministry
After a vision he returned to evangelize Ireland in 432

Leo the Great



Roman Bishop in 440 and became the first pope
His Christological (nature of Christ) teaching adopted by the church at council of Chalcedon in 451
He Negotiated with Attila the Hun for the removal of his barbarians from Italy in 452
Taught that the bishop of Rome held the same position as Peter which established the basis for the papacy

Benedict of Nurcia



Born in Nurcia, Italy to a wealthy and influential family Studied in Rome
Lived as a hermit in caves but joined with other hermits
He saw the need for an organized monastic structure
His efforts became known as the Rule of St. Benedict
Benedict developed pattern for Byzantine monasticism

353     Emperor Constantius

 “Satan, because there is no truth in him, breaks in with axe and sword. But the Savior is gentle, and forces no one, to whom he comes, but knocks and speaks to the soul . . . If we open to him, he enters; but if we will not, he departs.   For the truth is not preached by sword and dungeon, by might of an army, but by persuasion and exhortation.  How can there be persuasion where fear of the emperor is uppermost?  How exhortation, where the contradicter has to expect banishment and death?”

331- 363        Emperor Julian the Apostate

364-375         Emperor Valentinian I

375-383         Emperor Gratian

“By this step heathenism became like Christianity before Constantine and now in the American republic, dependent on the voluntary system, while unlike Christianity,
it had no spirit of self-sacrifice, no energy of self-preservation.
The withdrawal of the public support cut its life string, and
left it still to exist for a time by inertia alone.”

- Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church, Vol. III, p.62, 1889

392-395         Theodosius the Great

“Christians are not to destroy error by force and violence, but
should work the salvation of men by persuasion, instruction and love.” 
- John Chrysostom from Antioch

“Let us first obliterate the idols in the hearts of the heathen, and once they become Christians they will either themselves invite us to execution of so good a work or anticipate us in it.  Now we must pray for them, and not exasperate them.” 
- Augustine

310-383         Ulfilas

317-397         Martin of Tours

367     New Testament Canon

Part of the Text of Athanasius’ Letter from January 7, 367

Again, it is not tedious to speak of the books of the New Testament. These are: the four Gospels, according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. After these, The Acts of the Apostles, and the seven epistles called Catholic: of James, one; of Peter, two, of John, three; after these, one of Jude. In addition, there are fourteen epistles of Paul the apostle, written in this order: the first, to the Romans; then, two to the Corinthians; after these, to the Galatians; next, to the Ephesians, then, to the Philippians; then, to the Colossians; after these, two of the Thessalonians; and that to the Hebrews; and again, two to Timothy; one to Titus; and lastly, that to Philemon. And besides, the Revelation of John.

These are the fountains of salvation, that he who thirsts may be satisfied with the living words they contain. In these alone the teaching of godliness is proclaimed. Let no one add to these; let nothing be taken away from them. For concerning these the Lord put to shame the Sadducees, and said, “Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures. And he reproved the Jews, saying, Search the Scriptures, for these are they that testify of me.”

But for the sake of greater exactness I add this also, writing under obligation, as it were. There are other books besides these, indeed not received as canonical but having been appointed by our fathers to be read to those just approaching and wishing to be instructed in the word of godliness: Wisdom of Solomon, Wisdom of Sirach, Esther, Judith, Tobit, and that which is called the Teaching of the Apostles, and the Shepherd. But the former, my brethren, are included in the Canon, the latter being merely read; nor is there any place a mention of secret writings. But such are the invention of heretics, who indeed write them whenever they wish, bestowing upon them their approval, and assigning to them a date, that so, using them as if they were ancient writings, they find a means by which to lead astray the simple-minded.

Other Early Writings that Identify the Recognized New Testament:

Catalogue inserted in codex Claromontanus 4th century?
The Canon of Cyril of Jerusalem ~350 CE
The Cheltenham Canon ~360 CE
The Canon approved by the Synod of Laodicea ~363 CE ?
The Canon approved by the 'Apostolic Canons' ~385 CE
The canon of Gregory of Nazianzus 329-389 CE
The canon of Amphilochius of Iconium died after 394 CE
The Canon approved by the Third Synod of Carthage ~397 CE
The Decretum Gelasianum 6th century
Catalogue of the Sixty Canonical Books 7th century
The Stichometry of Nicephorus 9th century

381     Council of Constantinople

339-397         Ambrose

354-430         Augustine

331-420         Jerome

Mosaic Floor from 326 in Bethlehem church
The preserved mosaic floor from the church commissioned in 326

by Constantine and who’s construction was oversaw by his mother Helena. 
This church was dedicated on May 31, 339.  It had an octagonal floor plan and was built above the cave of the nativity.  Jerome translated the Latin Vulgate in this church.


405     Latin Vulgate

406     Vandals in Gaul and Spain

410     The Visigoths led by Alaric Sack Rome

Pelagius and the Pelagian Controversy


The Pelagian Controversy


Man is born pure without a sin nature and is able to obey God and do what is necessary to gain salvation


Man is dead in sin at birth, born with a sin nature. Salvation is given to man by God’s grace and only given to the elect chosen by God


The grace of God works with the will of man to save the man, but the process is initiated by the man


The grace of God is offered to all men.  This grace enables the man to choose and do what is required for the salvation of that man

425     Barbarians settle in Roman Provinces

431     Council of Ephesus

432     Patrick to Ireland

436     The Last Roman Troops Leave Britain

451     Council of Chalcedon

440-461         Pope Leo the Great

How the Church in Rome and the Roman Bishop Became Absolute

Matthew 16:17-19

Around 440 Leo I claimed that Jesus had given Peter authority over the whole church

Apostolic Succession

The apostles established churches and church leaders.  It was assumed that Peter had given his authority to the leader in Rome

Head of Empire

Rome was the head of the empire that the church began in so it was natural to look to Rome as the head of the church

Size of Rome

Rome’s population, both pagan and Christian, was greater than any other city

Latin Language

The Greek language offers more refined and precise expressions which was great for the preservation of scripture but could be very devisive at a church council.  The western world’s Latin was not as precise and so easier to align the splintered theological groups and build unity.  The Greek in the East would create divisions

Evangelism Success

While the barbarians were conquering the West, the church was converting them.  When the Muslims came into the East the eastern church did not equal the evangelism success of the West

City of Peter and
Paul’s Martyrdom

When the church began to seek after and honor the relics, the Roman church had the relics of the two superstars in their city


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