June 30, 2006




Thank you for requesting cds from Generation Word.  It is a privilege and an honor to receive your request and send them to you.                             
Our desire is that your walk with the Lord be closer and your understanding be enriched.

 I do want to apologize for how long it took me to get these cds sent out to you.  I have made some changes

and hope to begin to respond quicker in the future



 As you may know I also teach woodworking in a public school and this past school year I also coached three sports.                                     

Since April I have been busy coaching 70 boys on a track team and finishing up woodworking projects and
teacher meetings
by the end of the school year.


 Bible classes have continued four times and week.  Each of these messages has been uploaded on to our website. 
During the month of May I had the 
honor of doing a couple of weddings and speaking at a graduation ceremony. 

I was looking forward to June 1 when school was over and summer vacation began.  I had planned on getting the entire list of cd           
request sent out at that time.  Our house that Toni and I and the boys live in has needed some work done on it, so for the past three weeks I have been removing the roof  shingles, putting on the new shingles and have started painting.

Now, finally, I have burned and printed over 4,000 cds.  They are packaged and ready to be
shipped to fill over 400 orders from all around the world.

Please enjoy your cds and tell  others about www.generationword.com.  I will try to include extra of the “Got Questions?”                     
for you to give to friends.  Also, I will include some cards with our website  and GenWord information for you to hand out.              


Again, sorry about the long delay. 

Your interest in the Word of God is encouraging! 
The Word of God will change our lives, our families, our communities and our nations. 


God’s best to you!!


Galyn Wiemers


Generation Word                                           
