Organization of the Church                                


Christ is the Head of the Church

The church is the body of believers with Christ as the head of the body

1)     Ephesians 1:19-22

2)     Colossians 1:18, “He is the head of the body, the church.”

3)     1 Corinthians 12:27, “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”


A person who does not follow Christ’s teaching can separate themselves from the head

  1. Colossians 2:18-19, “He has lost connection with the Head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews grows as God causes it to grow.”


Christ is the head of the body. 

This illustration does not refer to organizational structure or a hierarchy.

Every one, every gift, every office operates under the head of the church (Christ).



Every part of the body does its function as service to the body.

1)     1 Corinthians 12:7, “Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.”

2)     Ephesians 4:15-16, “Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.  From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”


Church Leadership

Whatever the church leadership is or how it is defined these things are true:

1)     Church leadership is always under the Head (Christ)

2)     Church leadership is always part of the body

a.      It is not part of the Head

b.      It is not outside the body

3)     Like all the gifts and positions in the body leadership is placed within the body for service done in love for the common good of the rest of the body.


Organization of Leadership in the Church

1)     There is very little information on the actual church organization

a.      Episcopal

                                                              i.      Authority resides in the bishop.

                                                            ii.      “Bishop” is from the Greek word episkopoV “episkopos”

                                                          iii.      The NIV translates “episkopos” as “overseer” in 1 Timothy 3:1

                                                           iv.      Simple form of Episcopal or Bishop run church is the Methodist

                                                             v.      The most highly developed with multiple levels is Roman Catholic

                                                           vi.      Others church systems like this are: Anglican and Episcopalian

                                                         vii.      God’s power rests in bishops who then ordain ministers

                                                       viii.      Bishops then oversee the work in several local churches

b.     Presbyterian

                                                              i.      Authority resides in the elder

                                                            ii.      “Elder” is from the Greek word presbuteroV “presbuteros”

                                                          iii.      In the NIV “presbuteros” is translated as “elders” in Titus 1:5

                                                           iv.      There is only one level of clergy.  Each local church is represented by it “presbuteros” or “elder”.  This is the local church minister or pastor.

                                                             v.      Churches with this system would be Presbyterian or many Reformed churches

                                                           vi.      The church denomination is governed when each of these local church pastors convene at a synod or meeting of some sort.

c.      Congregational

                                                              i.      Stresses the role of the individual Christian and makes the local congregation the seat of authority

                                                            ii.      Examples are the Baptist, Congregationalists and many Lutheran groups

                                                          iii.      Greek words such as “episkopos” (bishops, overseers), “presbuteros” (elders”) and “poimainein” (shepherds, pastors) are believed to all refer to the same general positions in the local church.

1.      Text verse Acts 20:17, 28, “From Miletus, Paul sent to Ephesus for the elders (presbuterous)  of the church . . . Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers (episkopos).  Be shepherds (poimainein) of the church of God which he bought with his own blood.”

2.      Also note that the letters of Paul seem to be addressed to the whole church while recognizing there was local leadership within that church.

                                                           iv.      The congregation would select the “episkopos” (bishops, overseers) or “presbuteros” (elders) from among themselves.

                                                             v.      Of course, God is the one who chose or appointed the “elders” but the congregation would recognize that calling of God.

d.     Non-government

                                                              i.      Groups include the Quakers, Friends, and Plymouth Brethren.

                                                            ii.      They deny the need for any government but stress the working of the Holy Spirit in each individual

                                                          iii.      In a sense these groups try to eliminate the visible church and instead try to focus on the spiritual church under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.  This is practiced even during meetings and services.



Paul recognized local church leadership

1 Thessalonians 5:12, “Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you.  Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work.”


Hebrews 13:17, “Obey your leaders and submit to their authority.  They keep watch over you as men who must give an account.  Obey them so that their work will be a joy not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you.”


Philippians 1:1, “To all the saints in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers  (episkopos) and deacons (diakonous).”

- Note: “episkopos” or “overseers” is plural and is used interchangeably with “elder” (presbuterous) in other verses.  This means there were several “elders” or “bishops” or “pastors” in a local church.


NEW WORD: “Deacon” from “diakonous means in the Greek “one who serves”.  It is used along side words like “elder” and “overseer” indicating a deacon was not an “elder” (presbuterous), nor a overseer (or, bishop from episkopos), nor a pastor.  The qualifications for a deacon are found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13 right after the qualifications for a “episkopos” (bishop, overseer) are given.


This gives us two groups in the local church so far:

1)     Elders (presbuterous, episkopos, poimainein)

2)     deacons (diakonous)


1 Peter 5:1-4, “To the elders (presbuterous ) among you, I appeal as a fellow elder (sum-presbuteros).  . . Be shepherds (poimanate or pastors) of God’s flock that is under your care serving as overseers (episkopeo).”

-Also see 1 Peter 2:25 where Jesus is called “Shepherd and Overseer of your souls”


Spiritual Gifts


Romans 12:6-8

1 Corinthians 12:8-10

1 Corinthians 12:28-31

1 Corinthians 13:1-8

Ephesians 4:11-14

1 Peter 4:11


Romans 12

1 Cor. 12:8

1 Cor. 12:28

1 Cor. 13:1

Ephes 4:11

1 Pet. 4:11










Serving (diakon)






































Word of









Fathom All




Word of Knowledge


Fathom All Knowledge










Gifts of

Gifts of





Miraculous Powers

Workers of





Between Spirits






Different Kinds of Tongues

Kinds of





Interpretation of Tongues





































Help Others


































The List of Gifts

1)     Prophesying

2)     Serving

3)     Encouraging

4)     Giving

5)     Leadership

6)     Mercy

7)     Word of Wisdom

8)     Fathom All Mysteries

9)     Word of Knowledge

10)  Faith

11)  Gifts of Healings

12)  Miraculous Powers

13)  Distinguishing Between Spirits

14)  Different Kinds of Tongues

15)  Interpretation of Tongues

16)  Apostles

17)  Prophets

18)  Evangelists

19)  Pastors (Elders, Overseers)

20)  Teachers

21)  Help Others

22)  Administration

23)  Martyrdom

24)  Speaking

25)  Hospitality


Defining the Spiritual Gifts

1)     Prophesying – speaking forth God’s will concerning a contemporary issue.  This is not necessarily predicting the future or knowing what events will transpire.  It is taking the word of God and the character of God and making it known to people.

2)     Serving – This is meeting the needs of people.  It is the ability to identify undone tasks, organize the time and resources to get the job done.  This word comes from the Greek word “diakonia” which is from the word “diako” which means in the Greek “to run errands”

3)     Encouraging – This means to come along side someone to provide guidance, encouragement, counsel and comfort.  The Greek word is “paraklesis” which means “calling to one’s side.”

4)     Giving – this is the ability to share material resources generously without feeling sorry or worrying about getting some kind of benefit from it.

5)     Leadership – the ability to provide motivation and direction to an individual or a group so that a goal is accomplished.

6)     Mercy – the ability to feel genuine sympathy for someone and then begin to move toward resolving their discomfort at whatever level you can.

7)     Word of Wisdom – The Greek is “logos of Sophia”.  Both were buzz words in the Corinthian churches corrupt theology.  This most likely refers to combining  truth, insight, and knowledge into a spoken word of advice or guidance.

8)     Fathom All Mysteries – To understand the things revealed by the Spirit concerning things unperceived by natural man.

9)     Word of Knowledge – The Greek is “logos of ginosko”.  Again, Corinthian buzz words.  Wisdom is information applied.  Knowledge is the collection of facts and information.  This would be speaking these facts and information in a useful way.  Possibly to inform the person with the Word of Wisdom so they can in turn apply the knowledge in a useful way.

10)  Faith – This is faith that goes beyond the normal faith obtained for salvation or from hearing the word of Christ (Rom. 10:17).  This is a supernatural ability that is available at difficult times or in the face of impossible odds.  Again, this would be given by the Spirit in addition to “regular” faith for salvation or faith that comes from hearing the Word of God.

11)  Gifts of Healings – The ability to heal supernaturally as the Spirit of God moves.

12)  Miraculous Powers – The ability to perform supernatural deeds or acts to serve God’s purpose of a sign or to confirm his presence or is will or to redirect a situation.

13)  Distinguishing Between Spirits – Possibly refers to discerning the activity of God’s Spirit or demonic activity.  It may also refer to the ability to judge a person’s words, attitude or actions to determine the worthiness.

14)  Different Kinds of Tongues – This is not speaking a foreign language in order to preach the gospel in a language you do not understand.   Enough said for now.

15)  Interpretation of Tongues – This is the spiritual ability to understand by the Spirit of God what was being said when tongues were spoken.  It is a spiritual perception and not an academic translation.

16)  Apostles – The ones sent forth to establish the church and the New Testament revelation.   Today these may be those who plant churches in communities and in foreign lands.

17)  Prophets – This may be different than the gift of prophecy just like a person can teach with out being a teacher, shepherd with out being a pastor and give without having the spiritual gift of giving.  This may be one of the offices in the universal church.

18)  Evangelists – Also, everyone is to share the gospel with people but an evangelist is an office or position within the universal body.  Every one should do the work of an evangelist but not everyone is an evangelist.

19)  Pastors (Elders, Overseers) – One of several leaders in the local church that is responsible for the spiritual care, protection and feeding of a group of believers.

20)  Teachers – Those who communicate the written Word of God in a logical and systematic way to believers so they can grow in faith, maturity and production.

21)  Help Others – to support or assist others believers in the body so other gifts are enhanced and ministry is accomplished.

22)  Administration – The ability to plan, organize and direct a project and people to accomplish a ministry goal.

23)  Martyrdom – The ability to graciously and courageously lay down your life in the face of persecution.

24)  Speaking – To communicate verbally the thoughts and plans of God.

25)  Hospitality – The ability to share you home and your life with others.  The Greek word is “philoxenos” which comes from two Greek words: 1-“philos” = “love” and 2-“xenos” = “stranger”

Other possible gifts in scripture: Celibacy, poverty, missionary.

More description of Spiritual Gifts:



Facts and Information for Operating Your Spiritual Gifts

1)     Romans 12:3-8

a.      Think of yourself soberly.  Not in human pride nor unworthiness

b.      We all do not have the same function.  We have different gifts

c.      Together we form one body

d.      Each member of the church belongs to the other.  We need your gift.

e.      Use your gift generously, diligently and cheerfully

2)     First Corinthians 12

a.      Each one of us will manifest the Spirit of God with our gift

b.      The gifts are for the common good of the church

c.      The Spirit determines what your gift is.

d.      You cannot consider your gift as not part of the body because it is not “spiritual” enough or impressive enough or popular enough or recognized enough.  Do not say “I do not belong to the body.”

e.      One gift can not say to another gift “”I don’t need you!”

f.        All the gifts are indispensable.

g.      Some gifts need to be treated with modesty or special treatment

h.      All the gifts should have equal concern for each other.

i.        If one gift suffers every part will suffer.

j.         If one gift is honored every gift will benefit

k.      Each one of you has a gift

3)     First Corinthians 13

a.      Without love (service to others) your gift is:

                                                              i.      A resounding gong

                                                            ii.      A clanging cymbal

                                                          iii.      Nothing

                                                           iv.      Gaining nothing

b.      When Jesus returns all the gifts will:

                                                              i.      Cease

                                                            ii.      Be stilled

                                                          iii.      Pass away

                                                           iv.      Disappear

c.      The gifts are for service in time to produce eternal results. 

d.      Obtaining the gifts themselves is not our purpose. 

e.      The gifts themselves are not eternal.

4)     Ephesians 4:11

a.      Jesus gave certain gifts to his church

b.      Certain gifts are for preparing God’s people for works of service

c.      These works of service will build the church up

d.      We build our church up in love as each part does its work

5)     First Peter 4:11

a.      Use your gift without grumbling

b.      Use your gift to serve others

c.      Faithfully administer your gift which is God’s grace given to you

d.      Use your gift as if God where moving through with his own ability

                                                              i.      If you speak, or whatever you do, it is as if God were doing it

                                                            ii.      If you serve, or whatever you do, it is as if you have God’s power to do it.

6)     First Timothy 4:14

a.      Stop neglecting your gift!

7)     Second Timothy 1:6

a.      Fan into flame the gift of God which is in you!


Spiritual Gifts Tests









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