First Corinthians 7:1-14
In 7:26 the “present crisis”
may refer to the sexual immorality among the believers in
Marriage is normal
“Now Concerning”
is “peri de” and is a formula used to introduce a new
7:25 8:1 12:1 16:1 16:12
Paul is now going to address
the things they wrote about.
Since the time of Origen (200’s AD) this first line “It is not good to touch
a woman” was considered to be a Corinthian quote. This is what some of them were teaching.
“Not Marry” in the NIV is
“touch” in the Greek and refers to sexual intercourse.
This is also seen in Gen.
20:6 and Prov. 6:29
The verbs are Imperative
which make them a command.