Methuselah and The Flood (from Genesis 5) 130 Adam 130 years old age when son
was born 105 Seth 105 years old age when son was born 90 Enosh 90 years old age
when son was born 70 Kenan 70 years old age when son was born 65 Mahalalel 65
years old age when son was born 162 Jared 162 years old age when son was born
65 Enoch 65 years old age when son was born 969* Methuselah 187 years old age
when son was born (* age at death) Lamech 182 years old age when son was born
Noah 600 years old age when flood came 1,656 years 1,656 years So, Methuselah
And, also, the Flood died 1,656 years came 1,656 years after the creation after
the creation Which means Methuselah died the year of the flood