Hebrews 9:6-14



There was daily activity in the holy place.


The three pieces of furniture:

  1. The Lamp – trimmed the lamp stands in the morning and in the evening
  2. The altar of incense – burn incense every morning when the lamps are trimmed
  3. The table of showbread – changed and eaten weekly


Zechariah chosen in Luke 1:8-22



In the second tent, behind the second curtain, in the most holy place the priest only entered once a year.


The high priest wore only his white linen which was reserved for special sacrificial occasions.

The high priest would enter the holy of holies twice on the day of Atonement.

  1. blood of a bullock was taken in for the priest and his family
  2. Then a goat was slaughtered as a sin offering for the people and blood was brought back into the most holy place
  3. Then the high priest returned to the outer court and laid his hands on a second goat and confessed the sins of the people.  This goat then was carried to a solitary place (Lev. 16)


Epistle of Barnabas says the scapegoat represented Jesus carrying away the curse.

Justin Martyr says the scapegoat indicates the Jews rejecting Jesus and driving him away.

The Scapegoat may represent Jesus’ bearing away our sins.


Azazel was a chaldean goat god.  The god of dry places.  There is a fallen angel in Enoch 8 named Azazel.  In Enoch 10 the angels are given instruction to bidnd Azazel hand and foot, open the desert, cast him in and hurl stones to cover him in darkness.  Then he would be cast into the eternal fire on judgment day.


Three points:

  1. Throne room closed except once a year. . . now it is permanently open
  2. high priest entered with blood. . . now Christ has shed his blood
  3. old covenant was not effective since it was repeated. . .  now it is finished



There was no available way to God in the old covenant.

We were waiting for something.



Ceremonially clean, but conscience still defiled.



Laws concerning:

  1. Food
  2. Drink
  3. Washing – high priest had to bathe after the Day of Atonement



Temple made with out hands:

  1. Jesus in Mark 14:58 and John 2:19-22
  2. Acts 7:48
  3. Acts 17:24
  4. Isaiah 66:1
  5. Isaiah 57:15


God dwells in heavenly throne room and with the humble.



Jesus work was finished on the cross

The Greek nor the NIV says Jesus carried his blood from the cross to the throne of God.

Christ entered by his blood but not with his blood.



Old Covenant removed ceremonial defilement. 

There was no effect on the conscience, just a symbolic image and reminder.


Numbers 19 the red heifer was slaughtered outside the camp. The blood was sprinkled seven times in front of the tabernacle.  The body completely burned.  The priest was to throw dear wood, hyssop and scarlet thread into the fire.  The ashes were gathered   stored outside the camp and used to make the water of impurity.  Water mixed with these ashes would be sprinkled on people for cleansing.



The greatest of the “how much more” statements

True fellowship with God in his heavenly throne room was restored.