month old baby to talk).  So in about 21 months from this announcement Damascus and Samaria would be plundered.  Again the year is 734 and these events happened in 732.


8:6 Israel rejected God for Rezin and son of Remaliah

8:7 Destruction would come

8:8  Immanuel

8:9 Nations would rise against Israel

8:10. . .but, Immanuel

8:11-20, Do not think like the world thinks or fear what they fear.  The Lord is to be waited on.

      Seal up the word of God among the disciples (believers).  The Lord will arrive and

      appear with his faithful children.


      Go to the law and to the testimony for the truth and the light.



9:1 With Assyria conquering the northern tribes, the area of Galilee (tribes of Zebulun and       Naphtali) became the land of the Gentiles.

9:2 Even these people will again receive the light of the Messiah when he comes.

      Matthew 4:15 applies it to Jesus first coming.


9:8-21—The northern tribes of Israel are going to fall now in Isaiah’s day.


10:1-14 Assyria’s arrogance

10:15     God questions Assyria’s attitude

10:16   The destruction of Assyria


10:20  Promise of the return of Israel’s remnant


11:1-5 A promise of the Messiah

11:6-16  The promise of the Messiah’s kingdom


12:1-6  A song sung by Israel in the Millennium